Metamorphosis Lesson:

Lesson Profile:

Theme: Metamorphosis in Nature

Type of Lesson: Skills based with personal expression

Students were able to learn the about the metamorphosis found in nature. Specifically, the life cycle of a butterfly was addressed as a basis for the clay creation. Students first molded caterpillars, or chrysalises out of clay. After each piece was glazed and fired, students then unknowingly attached wings to exemplify the steps in the life cycle of a butterfly.
The conceptual objective was to expose students to a visual means of expression where they were able to create their own individual depiction of a butterfly.
Use of terminology that related to the Molding Metamorphosis such as color, texture, shape, smoothing, scoring, glazing, proportion, and metamorphosis were reinforced or introduced.

This lesson addressed the following state standards:

Students were able to express their ideas of the spring season through dialogue. (Standard 1.1.4.D.1; Creative Process)

Students were able to identify, discuss, and recall upon their experiences of the change of spring. (Standard 1.3.4.D.4; Performance.)

Students were able to apply and imitate their experiences of spring and demonstrate those experiences through clay. (Standard 1.3.4.D.5; Performance.)

Students were able to produce and construct their experiences of spring by integrating appropriate techniques of artistic media. (Standard 1.3.4.D.1; Performance.)

Students were able to analyze, compare, and evaluate the diversity of artistic elements within the class artwork. (Standard 1.4.4.A.1; Aesthetic Responses)

In a world filled with sweet scents and blue sky, lives the gentle, uplifting butterfly,

whose metamorphosis has this truth to teach:
 Our aspirations are within our reach.

For this fluttering flyer of soaring worth was at one time a creature that crawled the earth.
When she climbed a plant and learned of the sky, She looked down at the earth and wondered why

her destiny was to live on the land. Something inside her did not understand.
'The sky is my home', every part of her felt
‘How could crawling be the lot I’ve been dealt?’
Keeping those thoughts safe, where they could be found,
 She slowly descended back to the ground.
When she found the right plant on which to rest, She brilliantly wove a cocoon for her nest.

Inside the chrysalis, she went to sleep tucked in with those thoughts that she wanted to keep...
...One sunny day, the cocoon came unsealed.
 Magically, a butterfly was revealed.

Seeing this miracle with my own eyes; of caterpillars becoming butterflies,

brings real hope of the possibility of the total transformation of me!
Like the caterpillar that crawls the Earth,

We are destined for a divine rebirth.

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